Noise from roadworks week commencing 23.11.15

20151123_212848You may be one of the residents disturbed by late night roadworks that ran on into the early hours of the morning earlier this week.

Myself and other residents on the estate complained to Lambeth Environmental Services and Highways Department:

I don’t believe that residents were consulted or informed of these works in the correct manner, and will continue to pursue this with Lambeth Council and Transport for London.

If you wish to make a complaint, please see a generic version of a letter below, for you to copy, edit and use as you wish, and send to the above address.




Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a resident of the Kennington Park Estate.
Roadworks began adjacent to my property on Sunday evening (22/11/15), and continued throughout the week.
Lambeth Council has issued a Section 61 Notice under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 in respect of these works.  The notice states that the contract number is C11808.
Local residents should be informed of the works, and this has not been done.  What has Lambeth Council done to ensure this?
The noise is unreasonably timed, the level of noise is outrageous and it is absolutely unacceptable that local residents have not been informed.
I request the following:
 – an explanation from Lambeth as to why residents weren’t informed
 – a reassurance on how Lambeth’s policy will now be altered to prevent this situation happening in future.
I believe a number of my neighbours have also complained to Lambeth and the police.  Due weight should be given to our complaints as a collective.
I expect to receive a response within 24 hours if not sooner, as I suspect the works will be ongoing this week.

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