Category: Community Centre events
Update on plans for Kennington Park Community Centre
Kennington Park Community Centre is being refurbished, not demolished – see the latest plans!

Since consultation with residents began last summer, the Hyde Group has made substantial changes to its original proposal to demolish and replace the Community Centre. Residents made their hostility to these plans very clear, and many argued for the current Centre to be refurbished rather than demolished. This is what is now happening. Current plans now comprise retaining the best features of the Community Centre, in particular the Main Hall, and refurbishing the rest of the building to modernise it, enlarge the community room, rebuild the toilets and drains, and make it more pleasant, more eco-friendly and more cost-effective for us all to use. The courtyard space will be extended and turned into a community garden. And there will be a community cafe as part of the space at the front of the building. The current Arts Depot building will be replaced by modern facilities for community and creative…
Redevelopment of Community Centre – Hyde is consulting on the latest proposals – COME ALONG!
Regular activities at the Community Centre – Spring 2024
All welcome to our fabulous, spaced out, christmas panto and party
Snug & Grub – Free Meals, Advice Sessions and much more
Residents’ meeting, 6.30pm Friday 20 October 2023
Schedule of regular activities at the Community Centre – Autumn 2023
Plans for the future of Kennington Park Community Centre

Hyde Housing circulated a letter to all residents at the end of July saying that they are planning to redevelop the Community Centre and Oval Arts Depot site. The letter said that they plan to demolish and then rebuild the Centre and Depot buildings, and to build new flats on the site. This letter can be seen below. Many residents will remember that Hyde made similar proposals nearly a decade ago. When those plans fell through, Hyde handed management of the Centre over to volunteers from the Tenants’ & Residents’ Association and supported us in forming a charitable Community Benefit Society to run it democratically. Despite having to close during Covid-19 lockdowns, the Community Centre has flourished. It is financially viable, and provides space for many groups, including a drama school and historical fencers, faith groups, a youth club, several after-school clubs, Zumba exercise for older people, and a…