Kennington, Oval & Vauxhall Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Kennington Oval and Vauxhall Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Consultation   From Helen Monger, Chair, Kennington Oval and Vauxhall Forum   I am delighted to write to you to announce the launch of our Regulation 14 Consultation for our Neighbourhood Plan, and invite your comments. In accordance with Regulation 14 requirements we are letting as many people as possible know about our plan so that we can take into account any comments they may have.  We are launching our plan with a public exhibition, food and fanfare, on Monday 19th March at 6pm at the Kennington Park Community Centre on Harleyford Street – all are welcome.  We will be taking our exhibition around to local churches, community halls and markets over the next few weeks– look out for further promotion in due course.  In any event, the full draft plan may be viewed: online at our website or in hard copy at: Tate…

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Campaigning to keep our Community Centre

We are holding a Campaign meeting on 12 January at 7pm in the Community Centre to discuss planning the next stages of our Campaign.   It is not just Kennington Park Estate’s Community Centre that is under threat. Hyde also want to get rid of the Stockwell Centre, handing  its management over to a private group. We are campaigning with Stockwell tenants and residents.

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At the heart of Kennington Park Estate in Oval is our Community Centre which is well used and loved. Hyde Housing now plans to get rid of our Community Centre. In its place Hyde wants to build expensive flats for private sale. ***** UPDATE – Hyde has extended the deadline for its consultation on the future of our Community Centre. We now have until 5pm on Friday 6 January 2017 to tell them we oppose their plans to demolish our Centre. You can do so here And keep signing and sharing our petition here ***** The TA has responded to Hyde’s Review of Community Centres, expressing our opposition to their plans for Kennington Park Community Centre. This is what we have said in our conclusion: “This is a manifestly flawed, fraudulent Consultation. We believe that the words “existing plan” are being used as a smokescreen for Hyde’s true intention…

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Oval Gasholder Site Masterplan Amendments

The masterplan for the Oval and Kennington Development Area (OAKDA) site has been amended. A briefing on these amendments can be found here. The developers, Berkeley Homes, have provided the following information: “We are now writing to update you on our consultation timeline, following our last email in December 2015. We are pleased to tell you that we have now completed a summary of the consultation responses, as well as a report which outlines the key changes to be made in response to the consultation. We will let you know once these two documents are published on Next, we are moving our focus to complete the masterplan so we can finalise the amendments from the consultation. We are working closely with Lambeth Council to get this completed and envisage the following timetable for the next few months:   April 2016 Publication of the ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ and ‘Amendments to the…

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Oval Gasholder Listed

Good News! Our big gasholder has been granted Grade II listed status. The gasholder is an important part of the Oval and Kennington Development Area (OAKDA), for which Lambeth Council and Berkeley Homes are currently working up the development masterplan. This is what the BBC News website says:   The Victorian gasholder that looms over the Oval cricket ground in south London has been granted Grade II status. The wrought-iron structure in Kennington was the largest gasholder in the world when it was built in 1847. Gasholder No. 1 was rebuilt in 1877-79, just before the first Test match in England was played at the Oval in 1880. The historical, architectural and technical background of the gasholder and its importance to the landscape led to it being granted protected status. ‘Iconic backdrop’ Emily Gee, head of designation at government heritage agency Historic England, which recommended the structure for listing, said…

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Hyde’s proposed development of our Community Centre and Harleyford Road site – an update

Back in March 2015 we reported on Hyde’s plans to redevelop the Harleyford Street and Community Centre site on the Estate. Their plans involved nine flats for sale, a replacement community centre with outdoor space and either offices or a small retail space on the ground floor facing the main road. Those plans can be found here. Hyde’s Saba Choudhury (New Business Project Director, Group Business Development) wrote to the TA recently as follows: “Sainsbury’s has told us that TfL has given them feedback on their application for the Harleyford Street loading bay, but not a final decision.  The feedback is that TfL are very unlikely to allow a peak time use of the loading bay but will almost certainly allow off peak use of a bay on Harleyford Street which is a positive step forward.  Consequently Sainsbury’s are revising their application to request a loading bay for off peak…

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Local traffic and transport plans and work

We receive frequent updates on the various work being carried out around our Estate, particularly the Northern Line Extension and the highways work around the Oval. The latest bulletins are about work on the Northern Line Extension at Kennington Green closing down for the holiday season (sighs of relief from the neighbours!) and upgrade work that’s starting at Waterloo Station. They (and future such bulletins) can now be found here.

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