Category: News
Oh Yes You Can Come to Our Panto – 16 December
Plant a Tree in Kennington Park
Tenants’ Association Annual General Meeting – 27 September 2017
The Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association Annual General Meeting will be at 7pm on Wednesday 27 September 2017. All tenants and leaseholders resident on KPE are members of the TRA and all are welcome to attend. The Agenda for the meeting can be found here The Annual Report for 2016 to 2017 can be found here The minutes of the last AGM held on 21 September 2016 can be found here The minutes of the TA meeting held on 12 July 2017 can be found here
Exercise for over 50s – Zumba Gold
Community Centre news
Our Community Centre is getting busier! Our schedule of Autumn events and activities is filling up with both old and new users – check out the kpccoval website. Along with Akosua of AkomaAsa Performing Arts Academy (our regular Saturday users) and Shannon of Simply Smiley Productions (from nearby Oval House), we organised an opening day on Saturday 29 July when local artist, Boyd, provided an amazing splash of colour on the wall coming into the Centre – His relaxed Turtle has now been joined by a family of elephants by international artist, Falko (you can see more here ) Everyone had a great time! And here’s the video of the event – Many many thanks to Shannon and Akosua for all their work and this amazing production!
Tenants’ Association News – July 2017
Come to our July meeting to discuss all these topics and more – Fire Safety In the wake of the Grenfell disaster we will be discussing what this terrible tragedy means for us. We don’t live in tower blocks, so should we be concerned about fire safety? How good are Hyde’s Fire Risk Assessments? Grenfell residents were ignored when they raised concerns. Isn’t it time social housing residents were listened to? Kennington Park Community Centre – KPCC Oval Our Community Centre is now OUR community centre. As a result of our campaign to stop it being closed and demolished, from this month the TRA is jointly managing it alongside Hyde. We are responsible for bookings and the day-to-day running of the Centre while Hyde will continue to maintain it and deal with financial matters. Joan Twelves and Jahanara Rajkoomar We have signed a Licence which…
Summer Holiday Activities on Kennington Park Estate
Grenfell Tower Fire
The Grenfell Tower fire is a tragic disaster and our hearts go out to everyone involved – those who have lost their lives, those who have lost their family, friends and loved ones, those who have lost their homes, their possessions and their valued memories. And our admiration and respect goes to all those who headed into the blazing inferno to save lives at such risk to their own. As social housing residents we feel a strong sense of solidarity with the Grenfell Tower residents, and we share their grief and anger. We can breathe a sigh of relief that we have no tower blocks on Kennington Park Estate. But our fellow Hyde residents on the Grantham Road Estate in Stockwell and our close neighbours on the Ashmole Estate do, as do many other estates across Lambeth. The open design of our Estate means that the risks we…
Service charges from 1 April 2017 – important update
As a direct result of the Tenants Association’s complaints, Hyde is sending out revised rent and service charge bills to residents of Kennington Park Estate. Not only did Hyde include charges for a non-existent service (CCTV monitoring – see item below) but, for the second year running, they failed to include any charges for caretaking. We had to point this out to them. We don’t know what effect these two very large mistakes will have on our individual bills but we are sure we are not alone in wanting to have something approaching accuracy in what we have to pay for the coming year. We have pressed Hyde to ensure all consequential changes to Direct Debits and Housing Benefit are properly and quickly processed. We still have many questions about the actual and estimated service charges and Hyde acknowledges that there is much still to be resolved. Residents will…