Meeting 16 April – all KPE residents welcome!
To tenants and leaseholders of Kennington Park Estate You are invited to attend a Meeting of the Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ Association To be held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 16 April 2014 at the Kennington Park Estate Community Centre (between Alverstone and Lockwood Houses) All tenants and leaseholders are members of the Association and welcome to attend meetings A G E N D A Welcome and Introductions Apologies for absence Notes of last meeting of the Association held on 19 February 2014 (click here to see) Matters arising from the notes of the last meeting: Including progress report on programme for drainage stack maintenance Housing management and estate management issues Complaints Procedure Emergency Procedure Progress report on new parking enforcement arrangements Report from TA Executive Committee: Review of service charges Report from HSH Resident Forum Report from HSH Resident Assurance Committee and HSH Board Any other business Date of next meeting…