Service charges from 1 April 2017 – important update
As a direct result of the Tenants Association’s complaints, Hyde is sending out revised rent and service charge bills to residents of Kennington Park Estate. Not only did Hyde include charges for a non-existent service (CCTV monitoring – see item below) but, for the second year running, they failed to include any charges for caretaking. We had to point this out to them. We don’t know what effect these two very large mistakes will have on our individual bills but we are sure we are not alone in wanting to have something approaching accuracy in what we have to pay for the coming year. We have pressed Hyde to ensure all consequential changes to Direct Debits and Housing Benefit are properly and quickly processed. We still have many questions about the actual and estimated service charges and Hyde acknowledges that there is much still to be resolved. Residents will…
Rents and service charges from 1 April 2017
Hyde is currently sending out notifications of our rents and service charges for the coming financial year. The Government has instructed Housing Associations like Hyde to reduce rents by 1% (roughly £1 per week) but there is no such restriction on service charges. The charges we have to pay from 1 April are estimates and we advise everyone to look at the figures very closely. Check them against last year’s bill if you still have it. Hyde should have sent out statements of how much was actually spent on services during 2015-16 before Christmas; these figures are meant to form the basis of the estimates for the coming year. These statements are now several months overdue. The Tenants Association has made it clear that we find this unacceptable, particularly since we submitted comments on the invoices for the Estate at the beginning of November. The contract to monitor the CCTV…
Bike checking – 30 March
Vacancies at the Kia Oval
OCS are looking for local residents who would be interested in working at the Kia Oval this summer. Information can be found here