Voting time! EU Referendum! Make sure your voice is heard!

The referendum on the European Union is on Thursday 23 June. This referendum is massively important. It affects every aspect of our lives – and, more importantly, our children’s lives.     Residents of Kennington Park Estate vote at Henry Fawcett Primary School in Bowling Green Street. Voting hours are from 7am to 10pm. You should have received a Poll Card, but you do not need to take it with you in order to vote. If you have not received one you can check whether you are eligible to vote on 020 7926 2254, email We will be asked: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?”     Who can vote in the referendum? British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens over 18 on 23 June 2016 who are resident in the UK, along with UK nationals living abroad who have been on the electoral…

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Oval Gasholder Site Masterplan Amendments

The masterplan for the Oval and Kennington Development Area (OAKDA) site has been amended. A briefing on these amendments can be found here. The developers, Berkeley Homes, have provided the following information: “We are now writing to update you on our consultation timeline, following our last email in December 2015. We are pleased to tell you that we have now completed a summary of the consultation responses, as well as a report which outlines the key changes to be made in response to the consultation. We will let you know once these two documents are published on Next, we are moving our focus to complete the masterplan so we can finalise the amendments from the consultation. We are working closely with Lambeth Council to get this completed and envisage the following timetable for the next few months:   April 2016 Publication of the ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ and ‘Amendments to the…

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Are you all registered to vote?

Is everyone in your household on the electoral register?   London will be electing a new Mayor on 5 May 2016 and we will all get a chance to vote on remaining in or leaving the European Union on 23 June. Make sure you can vote! The rules have changed so each person has to register individually. You can check whether you or members of your household are on Lambeth’s register by phoning 020 7926 2254 or emailing To register go to  You will need your National Insurance Number. It only takes five minutes. To vote in the Mayor of London and Assembly Members elections you must be registered to vote by midnight Monday 18 April. If you haven’t applied by then, you won’t be able to vote.   DON’T LOSE YOUR VOICE! DON’T LOSE YOUR VOTE!

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Next TA meeting – 27 April 2016

 To tenants and leaseholders of Kennington Park Estate You are invited to attend a Meeting of the Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ Association To be held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 27 April 2016 at the Kennington Park Estate Community Centre 6.30 pm – local councillor and Hyde staff available for private help or advice plus refreshments Prompt start of meeting at 7.00 pm All tenants and leaseholders are members of the Association and welcome to attend meetings A G E N D A Welcome and Introductions Apologies for absence Minutes of the last meeting of the Association held on 17 February 2016: For approval and matters arising (here) New cleaning and grounds maintenance contract: Latest information from Tony O’Connell, Estate Services Contracts Manager Housing management and estate management issues: Reports and queries from tenants and leaseholders for the attention of HSH management Proposed merger between Hyde, London & Quadrant and East Thames…

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Our Rents for 2016-17

  UPDATE 14 April 2016 – KPE RESIDENTS – MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR SERVICE CHARGE, RENT AND DIRECT DEBIT NOTIFICATIONS CAREFULLY. WE HAVE FOUND A NUMBER OF ERRORS! Contact your TA reps (see contact details in the right-hand column) if you need help in understanding these bills.  ****************************************************   Tenants will have received a notice from our landlord, Hyde, this week notifying us of the amount of rent due from 4 April 2016. The TA considers this notice misleading, to say the least, as it gives the impression that tenants will have to pay less than we currently pay. This is very unlikely to be the case because we pay service charges on top of our rents. Last year some residents saw their service charges nearly double and the TA has no expectation that they won’t be increased again this coming year. Indeed, most residents have already been informed (in the…

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