The Tenants Association has successfully negotiated a pilot scheme to test a new system of issuing visitors’ parking permits in the Alverstone/Lockwood/Blades courtyard. You will be able to buy up to five weeks’ worth of tickets (ie. 10) which you can use on any one day up until the end of 2016. This means you can have one handy for those unannounced visits by relatives or maintenance engineers, particularly at weekends. The pilot will run from 15 February to 15 April. Let us know if you think it’s working or if you want to suggest changes. Here is Hyde’s letter about it: To All Residents Alverstone House, Blades House, Lockwood House Dear residents, Re: Visitor Parking Permit Pilot for Alverstone, Blades and Lockwood House. We are writing to inform you that we are working with the Kennington Park Estate Tenants and Residents Association to pilot a new scheme for visitor’s parking permits for Alverstone,…
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