Elections! Vote! Vote! Vote!
Local council and European parliamentary elections are taking place on Thursday 22 May and it’s important to vote. Lambeth Council may no longer directly manage our homes on Kennington Park Estate but the TA works closely with our councillors, they come to our meetings, take up individuals’ problems and sit on Hyde committees. The Council’s decisions and the services it provides affect much of our lives, whether it’s emptying the bins, recycling our rubbish, filling in potholes, providing education for our children at Henry Fawcett and other local schools and nurseries, funding and supporting Kennington Park, Durning Library, Oval House Theatre, and many of our local sporting and recreational facilities, providing social care and support for our elderly, young, sick or disabled residents, backing local businesses, creating jobs and apprenticeships or deciding on local planning or licensing applications. Badly hit by central government restrictions and cutbacks, nevertheless our…
Over 55s Exercise Class – New Term, New Time!
Meeting 16 April – all KPE residents welcome!
To tenants and leaseholders of Kennington Park Estate You are invited to attend a Meeting of the Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ Association To be held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 16 April 2014 at the Kennington Park Estate Community Centre (between Alverstone and Lockwood Houses) All tenants and leaseholders are members of the Association and welcome to attend meetings A G E N D A Welcome and Introductions Apologies for absence Notes of last meeting of the Association held on 19 February 2014 (click here to see) Matters arising from the notes of the last meeting: Including progress report on programme for drainage stack maintenance Housing management and estate management issues Complaints Procedure Emergency Procedure Progress report on new parking enforcement arrangements Report from TA Executive Committee: Review of service charges Report from HSH Resident Forum Report from HSH Resident Assurance Committee and HSH Board Any other business Date of next meeting…
Start Your Own Business Course
“This course will be very helpful for anyone thinking of setting up a business, or someone who is already trading but would like some extra guidance. Sessions take place in a relaxed and supportive environment with no test or exam at the end. The Taster Session is a chance to find out what will be covered on the Training Course, and for people to meet Phil Ashford from Enterprise Exchange. Phil will be delivering the course and is a knowledgeable, friendly trainer. (see his website www.enterpriseexchange.org.uk) Here is a list of what will be covered on various days: Taster session April 29th 10-12 Introduction to self employment …
Kennington Post Office saved!
Victory! Kennington Park Post Office Saved from Closure! Local residents were active in the campaign to save our Post Office from closure – and we’ve won!! Well done, everyone!! The Post Office sent the following letter confirming their decision on 4 April. Dear Customer Kennington Park Crown Post Office® branch 410 Kennington Road, London, SE11 4QA I’m writing to confirm that we will not be proceeding with our proposal to merge Kennington Park Crown Post Office branch into Walworth Road Crown Post Office at 234 Walworth Road, London, SE17 1JD. We have decided to retain Kennington Park branch at its current location, where it will continue to offer customers the same great customer service and range of products and services. Moving forward, Kennington Park and Walworth Road customers will see investment made in their branches as part of our modernisation and growth plans, and our strategy for 2020.…
Parking Enforcement – Vote for Wardens!
PARKING ENFORCEMENT – DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! CLOSING DATE IS 10 MARCH The following resolution was agreed without dissent at the TA meeting held on 19 February 2014. Since then Hyde has circulated its final proposals and is asking residents to vote. The TA believes we should vote for Parking Wardens. “KPE TA is appalled at the way Hyde Southbank has conducted its long drawn out and incoherent Parking Enforcement consultation. It notes that the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 banning wheel-clamping took effect on 1 October 2012 and that since that time Hyde Southbank has been collecting money from residents for parking permits without preventing non-permit holders parking on our Estate. It notes that the TA provided constructive and positive suggestions on how to clarify and improve Hyde’s proposals and that most of these have been ignored. Consequently Hyde has been informed that the TA is no longer able…
TA meeting – 19 February 2014
The next TA meeting is on 19 February 2014 at 7pm in the Kennington Park Community Centre. The agenda is as follows: Welcome and Introductions 1. Apologies for absence 2. Notes of last meeting of the Association held on 27 November 2013 and matters arising 3. Housing management and estate management issues. (Reports and queries from tenants and leaseholders) 3.1 Response from Hyde to urgent repair issues raised at last meeting 4. Consultation on new parking enforcement arrangements 5. Report from TA Executive Committee: Review of service charges Review of the CCTV service The cleaning and grounds maintenance contract 6. Report from HSH Resident Forum 7. Report from HSH Resident Assurance Committee and HSH Board 8. Report on grounds maintenance project 9. Any other business 10. Date of next meeting of Kennington Park Estate TA: 1900, 16 April 2014, thereafter, 9 July, 24 September (AGM), 19 November 2014
Parking Enforcement
Car Parking on Kennington Park Estate 3 – another update! Hyde’s proposals for Parking Enforcement affect all of us, not just car owners. Make sure you vote! We are being asked to choose between three options. We believe that, while there is no ideal way to solve the problem of unauthorised and/or obstructive parking, the best option is Private Ticketing – Parking Wardens who, just like on the streets, can issue tickets and fine drivers without permits, who obstruct the roads or park on double yellows or cross hatched areas. This option is used on other local estates, is self-financing and will not cost residents extra. Most of us don’t have cars and rely on taxis, minicabs and deliveries. We are totally opposed to Barriers into the large Alverstone/Blades/Lockwood and Blythe/Key courtyards as these would block everything from dial-a-ride and patient transport to leaseholders’ plumbers. The idea that we should…
Save Vauxhall Bus Station
Save Vauxhall Bus Station The Bus Station was opened in 2005, but less than a decade later, Lambeth Council’s Local Plan is proposing to knock down this important, award-winning, local resource and amenity as part of sorting out the gyratory system. Sign the petition to keep it at: http://www.change.org/petitions/kate-hoey-mp-boris-johnson-mayor-of-lambeth-lib-peck-lambeth-council-leader-save-vauxhall-bus-station