To tenants and leaseholders of Kennington Park Estate
You are invited to attend a
Meeting of the Kennington Park Estate
Tenants’ Association
To be held at
6.30 pm for prompt 7.00 pm start
on Wednesday 15 July 2015
at the Kennington Park Estate Community Centre
(between Alverstone and Lockwood Houses)
All tenants and leaseholders are members of the Association and welcome to attend meetings
Welcome and Introductions
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the last meeting of the Association held on 29 April 2015 here: For approval
- Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
- Housing management and estate management issues. (Reports and queries from tenants and leaseholders for the attention of HSH management)
- Anti-Social Behaviour affecting Kennington Park Estate: HSH management response
- Report from TA Executive Committee
- Report from recent Estate Inspections
- Proposal from Hyde to redevelop the site of the Kennington Park Estate Community Centre: Progress Report
- Programme of planned and cyclical maintenance on Kennington Park Estate
- KPETA work on scrutiny of service charges
- 2015/16 KPETA Budget
- Report from HSH Resident Forum
- Report from HSH Resident Assurance Committee and HSH Board
- Any other business
- Date of next meetings of Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ Association: 1900, 23 September (AGM), 18 November 2015
(Meeting of Executive Committee to organise next meeting, 1830, Monday, 7 September 2015,
1A Lockwood House)
6.30 pm for refreshments and conversation with TA reps and neighbours.
Prompt start at 7.00 pm
Kennington Park Estate is managed by Hyde Southbank Homes on your behalf. Our rents and service charges pay for the services. HSH is accountable to all of us and your opinion is very important.
We look forward to welcoming you to the meeting
Magee Street Alert
The exit from the estate via Magee Street on to Kennington Park Road is closed for three weeks from 6 July.
The one-way system in Magee Street will be suspended so that vehicles can leave via Bowling Green Street (which will continue to be one-way), Kennington Oval and then Harleyford Street. Take care – and watch out for vehicles going in the wrong direction!