Tag: Hyde Group
Kennington Park Community Centre is being refurbished, not demolished – see the latest plans!

Since consultation with residents began last summer, the Hyde Group has made substantial changes to its original proposal to demolish and replace the Community Centre. Residents made their hostility to these plans very clear, and many argued for the current Centre to be refurbished rather than demolished. This is what is now happening. Current plans now comprise retaining the best features of the Community Centre, in particular the Main Hall, and refurbishing the rest of the building to modernise it, enlarge the community room, rebuild the toilets and drains, and make it more pleasant, more eco-friendly and more cost-effective for us all to use. The courtyard space will be extended and turned into a community garden. And there will be a community cafe as part of the space at the front of the building. The current Arts Depot building will be replaced by modern facilities for community and creative…
Redevelopment of Community Centre – Hyde is consulting on the latest proposals – COME ALONG!
Upgrading the CCTV monitoring system

In July we reported that the TRA had submitted formal complaints in respect of Hyde’s consultation on an upgraded CCTV monitoring system (see below). Hyde has now issued a statutory section 20 notice of intention. The TRA’s formal response to it can be found here. Hyde has informed us that they are taking some time to consider our response. We very much welcome this constructive response and hope that this means that notice is being taken of our views and observations. From July Newsletter: “Hyde wrote to residents in May asking for our views on whether an upgraded CCTV monitoring system should be provided in-house or outsourced. The TRA was most concerned about the content of this letter, which was based on inaccurate and misleading information about the history of the installation of CCTV locally, because it did not provide any data on the effectiveness of CCTV as…
Save Kennington Park Community Centre – watch our video
Demonstrate to support our Community Centres
Campaigning to keep our Community Centre

We are holding a Campaign meeting on 12 January at 7pm in the Community Centre to discuss planning the next stages of our Campaign. It is not just Kennington Park Estate’s Community Centre that is under threat. Hyde also want to get rid of the Stockwell Centre, handing its management over to a private group. We are campaigning with Stockwell tenants and residents.
Hyde Group to merge with L+Q and East Thames Housing Associations

Our landlords, the Hyde Group, have announced that they are in merger talks with L+Q and East Thames Housing Associations. We only know what is on Hyde’s website. But information on their proposals can be found at https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/news-events/news/corporate-and-financial/lq-the-hyde-group-and-east-thames-to-merge/ and https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/merger-talks-with-lq-and-east-thames/ When we know more, we’ll let you know. Update! At the last TA meeting on 27 April residents expressed concern about remarks made by the CEO of the Hyde Group in press reports about the merger. The motion we agreed is here, as is Hyde’s reply. Residents have been invited to comment on the merger – see here – and the TRA Chair, Joan Twelves, has submitted several questions in a personal capacity – see here. Hyde’s further responses to our comments and questions can now be found here and here. Update 2! The merger is no longer going ahead. More information on Hyde’s website https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/news-events/news/corporate-and-financial/lq-and-the-hyde-group-have-mutually-agreed-to-end-plans-to-merge/
Community Day 3 June 2-6pm
Our Rents for 2016-17

UPDATE 14 April 2016 – KPE RESIDENTS – MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR SERVICE CHARGE, RENT AND DIRECT DEBIT NOTIFICATIONS CAREFULLY. WE HAVE FOUND A NUMBER OF ERRORS! Contact your TA reps (see contact details in the right-hand column) if you need help in understanding these bills. **************************************************** Tenants will have received a notice from our landlord, Hyde, this week notifying us of the amount of rent due from 4 April 2016. The TA considers this notice misleading, to say the least, as it gives the impression that tenants will have to pay less than we currently pay. This is very unlikely to be the case because we pay service charges on top of our rents. Last year some residents saw their service charges nearly double and the TA has no expectation that they won’t be increased again this coming year. Indeed, most residents have already been informed (in the…