Tag: KPCC Oval
Update on plans for Kennington Park Community Centre
Plans for the future of Kennington Park Community Centre

Hyde Housing circulated a letter to all residents at the end of July saying that they are planning to redevelop the Community Centre and Oval Arts Depot site. The letter said that they plan to demolish and then rebuild the Centre and Depot buildings, and to build new flats on the site. This letter can be seen below. Many residents will remember that Hyde made similar proposals nearly a decade ago. When those plans fell through, Hyde handed management of the Centre over to volunteers from the Tenants’ & Residents’ Association and supported us in forming a charitable Community Benefit Society to run it democratically. Despite having to close during Covid-19 lockdowns, the Community Centre has flourished. It is financially viable, and provides space for many groups, including a drama school and historical fencers, faith groups, a youth club, several after-school clubs, Zumba exercise for older people, and a…
A Warm Winter Welcome and Hot Food!
Zumba Gold @ KPCC is back!
The KPCC Hoop Hop Troop
2020 Kids’ Summer Activity Scheme

Our Community Centre locked down in the middle of March and was closed until the end of July, when we were able to partially reopen to welcome over 30 local children to our Summer of Food and Fun, a programme funded by the Mayor’s Office for London in conjunction with Kitchen Social and Lambeth and Southwark Councils, which provided free freshly-cooked hot meals and healthy snacks, as well as a range of educational, creative and fun activities on Mondays and Tuesdays during the school holidays. Shannon and her team from Simply Smiley Productions were on hand to lead the fun, and making imaginative use of hula-hooped measured social distancing managed to successfully manoeuvre their way through the government’s rules and regulations (let alone guidance and advice) much to everyone’s delight and applause. We were pleased to receive grant funding to cover food and part of our costs.…
KPCC Community Benefit Society

Live on Kennington Park Estate? Live or work nearby? Come to events or activities in the Centre? Do you want to be more involved in our local community? Why not become a Member of the Community Benefit Society now running our Community Centre? A membership form can be found here – please complete and return to Kennington Park Community Centre, 8 Harleyford Street, SE11 5SY, or by email to kpcc.cbs@gmail.com.