
  Need Help or Advice?   Benefits?   Debt and/or money?   Work?   Housing?   Goods and services? Try contacting One Lambeth Advice – a new initiative from Lambeth Council and the Citizens Advice Bureau. Phone  0800 254 0298 or go to by clicking here for more information.     *************************************************************    If you need legal advice there is now a free drop-in service staffed by London South Bank University law students at Caxton House, 13-16 Borough Road. It is during term time only (23 Sept-10 Dec 2014) and their opening times are Tuesdays 10am to 12 noon and Wednesdays 10am to 12 noon and 3pm to 5pm. More information is available here, on 020 7815 5450 and by emailing

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AGM and newsletter September 2014

  *************************************************             The agenda for the meeting can be found here and the papers for the meeting can be found here , here and here.   News from KPE TRA: September 2014   Election of representatives at the Annual General Meeting At the AGM on 24 September we shall be electing our Executive Committee, on which each block on Kennington Park Estate is entitled to have at least one representative – more if there are willing volunteers. We shall also be adopting a new constitution, and asking all members present to elect our Officers. This is to ensure our representatives have clear legitimacy and authority in representing our views to Hyde. This is particularly important at a time when Hyde is proposing to develop a new building on our Estate in the Blades, Alverstone,  Lockwood courtyard, and when we are questioning their commitment to delivering an acceptable…

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TA News

News from KPE TA – July 2014 Repairs – our heads, their brick walls!   Since the start of the new repairs contract with Mears at the end of October last year, the Tenants’ Association has been very active in challenging Hyde Head Office on behalf of our tenants. The contractor (Mears) appears to tenants to have failed to perform to the contract from the beginning and continues to perform poorly. We have been assured that the most senior staff at Head Office are dealing with the problem, holding top level meetings every week. This is what we have been told for over six months now. The best brains at Hyde Head Office have been defeated by one repair contractor and HSH residents have suffered the consequences. ‘Bear with us’ Hyde’s publicity machine has begged us. ‘The necessary steps are being taken!’ we have been told. ‘Bear with us a…

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Meeting 9 July 2014

Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ & Residents’ Association Meeting 9 July 2014 – all residents welcome! Come along and have your say about what’s happening on our Estate!   7.00 pm on Wednesday 9 July 2014 at the Kennington Park Estate Community Centre All tenants and leaseholders are members of the Association and welcome to attend meetings A G E N D A Welcome and Introductions Apologies for absence Notes of last meeting of the Association held on 16 April 2014 (here) Matters  arising from the notes of the last meeting Maintenance of external parts of Kennington Park Estate (Including programme of external decorations) Housing management and estate management issues: Questions and queries from residents for HSH management Progress report on new parking enforcement arrangements Report from TA Executive Committee: 7.1                    Proposal to adopt revised Terms of Reference for KPETA 7.2             Report on negotiations with HSH/Hyde Report from HSH Resident Forum…

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Oval Housing Office closed until further notice

Oval Housing Office damaged by Fire! Update: the Office is scheduled to reopen on Thursday 10 July! An arson attack over the weekend of 21/22 June has caused considerable damage to the reception area at Oval Housing Office. Fortunately nobody was hurt. Notices have been put up around the Estate telling us that the Office will be closed for at least two weeks while it is repaired. Hyde staff will be located at the Stockwell Office for the duration and residents are advised to phone Hyde’s Customer Call Centre (free phone either 0800 3 282 282 (landline) or 0300 1 232 233 (when calling from a mobile) or go to the Stockwell Office at 275-277 Clapham Road, Stockwell, London, SW9 9BH (opening hours: Monday to Wednesday: 9-5pm, Thursday: 9-7pm, Friday: 8-5pm).            

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Elections! Vote! Vote! Vote!

Local council and European parliamentary elections are taking place on Thursday 22 May and it’s important to vote.     Lambeth Council may no longer directly manage our homes on Kennington Park Estate but the TA works closely with our councillors, they come to our meetings, take up individuals’ problems and sit on Hyde committees. The Council’s decisions and the services it provides affect much of our lives, whether it’s emptying the bins, recycling our rubbish, filling in potholes, providing education for our children at Henry Fawcett and other local schools and nurseries, funding and supporting Kennington Park, Durning Library, Oval House Theatre, and many of our local sporting and recreational facilities, providing social care and support for our elderly, young, sick or disabled residents, backing local businesses, creating jobs and apprenticeships or deciding on local planning or licensing applications. Badly hit by central government restrictions and cutbacks, nevertheless our…

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