Parking proposals

Car Parking on Kennington Park Estate 2 – An Update         Hyde has now circulated proposals for enforcing parking arrangements on the estate and is holding a series of meetings to discuss these with residents.   The meetings are in the Community Centre on Thursday 16 January between 10am and 11.30am and Monday 20 January between 6pm and 7.30pm for residents of Alverstone, Blades, Lockwood, Blythe, Key, Abel and Hornby Houses; and on Thursday 16 January between 12 and 1.30pm and Thursday 23 January between 6pm and 7.30pm for residents of Lohmann, Sherwin, Read, Grace and Brockwell Houses. Remember – where cars park on the estate affects all of us, not just car owners. So come along to the meetings and have your say!

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Save our Post Office!

  Save Our Post Office! Kennington Park Post Office is threatened with closure. Or, as the Post Office put it, it is to be “merged” with the Walworth Road one. They are asking for our views! “We would like you to tell us what you think about the alternative arrangements for customers to access our services. We’d particularly like your views on the following areas: • How suitable do you think Walworth Road Post Office is and how easy it is to get there? • Is Walworth Road Post Office easy for you to get into and is it easily accessible inside? • Do you have any other concerns about the proposal? • If so, do you have any suggestions that could make it better for you or that you would like us to incorporate into the refurbishment plans for Walworth Road Post Office? • Are there any local issues…

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Parking Chaos!

Car Parking on Kennington Park Estate   Car parking on Kennington Park Estate has not been regulated for some time and this is causing a lot of problems.     Hyde circulated a consultation paper to residents in July, which was then withdrawn. We have been promised new proposals and a draft was circulated at the last TA meeting. However, a final version has yet to be sent out to all residents and it looks as though this won’t happen until 2014. Meanwhile, residents – both car owners and non-car owners – continue to have to wend their way round a growing car park. *thanks to Alex for the photo

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Repairs? What do you think?

Hyde’s Repairs and Maintenance Service     Angry tenants at November’s TA meeting made their feelings clear about the poor repairs service and passed no confidence motions in Hyde Southbank Homes’ management of the repairs service and the Hyde Group’s customer service centre, as well as registering grave concern at the lack of a planned maintenance programme across the estate. Our representatives on the Southbank Residents Forum have recently received an update from Hyde which blames the problems with the repairs service on IT systems, tenants reporting too many repairs (like too much sewage coming up through our kitchen sinks?), and the former contractor’s workers. Sounds to us as though Hyde is using the same spin doctors as the Coalition Government! But decide for yourself. Here’s the letter from Hyde Southbank’s Resident Services Manager: “As you will of course be aware, 28th October signalled ‘Go Live’ for the new repairs…

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No Confidence!

Following recent changes to Hyde’s repairs contractors, angry tenants made their feelings clear to Hyde’s Resident Services Manager at the most recent Tenants Association Meeting. Particularly angry were several residents of Hornby House who had badly affected by flooding and damage as a result of blocked drains. The following motions have been sent to the Hyde Group’s Chief Executive Officer and the Chair of the Board. No confidence in Hyde’s management of the repair service Kennington Park Estate Tenants’ Association wishes to register a vote of no confidence in Hyde’s management of the repair service. In Hyde’s own words the service should ‘give residents a more efficient, flexible and personal service’. The experience of the residents of Kennington Park Estate is of a poor, badly managed inefficient service. The experience of the service has been of: A lack of urgency in response to emergency situations Operatives attending to emergency call…

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Vauxhall Street survey

Sustrans is a leading UK charity enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make every day. Sustrans are working in partnership with Lambeth Council to develop a Cycle Streets concept on Vauxhall Street that benefits everyone. They want to hear from local residents, local businesses and anyone who uses the street to find out how people use the street and how the street can be improved, particularly for cycling and walking. You can have your say by completing their survey at

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Solar Panels for the Oval!

  To start generating energy in Oval, To develop opportunities for a community investment vehicle To increase resilience by reducing our dependence on big energy companies To use retained profits to educate about energy efficiency, tackle fuel poverty and develop partnerships to provide energy efficiency services To provide training and employment for local people a] Being Part of the working group b] Investing in the project. Contact Melanie FM John

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Christmas Party!

Kennington Park Estate’s Older Persons’ Christmas   Meal and Party     An afternoon of fun and entertainment with a Christmas roast, songs and hand massage. Monday 16th December,2 – 5pm At Kennington Park Community Centre    Learn about upcoming projects and get advice on how to save money on your heating bills. This event is FREE to all residents over 55 but spaces are limited so pre­ booking is essential. To reserve a seat contact Felix Dyer, Regeneration Coordinator on 02073466586 or email •••• Hyde Plus Making a lasting difference

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