Residents’ meeting – 1 April 2021, 7pm, on Zoom

All tenants and residents living on Kennington Park Estate are invited to our next informal meeting on Thursday 1 April 2021 at 7pm. The link to register in advance for this meeting is: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We will be joined by Matt Hopkins, Hyde’s Property Manager and our agenda will include rents and service charges, the changes to communal areas requested by the London Fire Brigade, and the continuing electricity and gas mains supplies work on the Estate. We are also more than happy to discuss any problems you may be having as a result of the continuing Lockdown. If you cannot come to the meeting but have any problems or issues you would like to raise with the TRA, please get in touch. We can be contacted via the form to the right of this post. The…

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Census 2021

        A message from the Census – Census Day has now passed. You must fill in your census, if you haven’t already. Whatever your needs, there are support services to help you. If you need help, visit or call 0800 141 2021. Sunday March 21 marked the day that millions of people across England and Wales completed key questions about themselves and their households to ensure local services in every community are informed by the best information possible. However, for those who have not yet submitted their online or paper questionnaires or have maybe misplaced their invitation letter, there is lots of help available.   “The information you provide needs to be about who usually lives in your household on Census Day, which was Sunday March 21, however if you’ve haven’t completed it yet, please do so – there’s still time to,” the Office for National…

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2020 Kids’ Summer Activity Scheme

  Our Community Centre locked down in the middle of March and was closed until the end of July, when we were able to partially reopen to welcome over 30 local children to our Summer of Food and Fun, a programme funded by the Mayor’s Office for London in conjunction with Kitchen Social and Lambeth and Southwark Councils, which provided free freshly-cooked hot meals and healthy snacks, as well as a range of educational, creative and fun activities on Mondays and Tuesdays during the school holidays.   Shannon and her team from Simply Smiley Productions were on hand to lead the fun, and making imaginative use of hula-hooped measured social distancing managed to successfully manoeuvre their way through the government’s rules and regulations (let alone guidance and advice) much to everyone’s delight and applause.   We were pleased to receive grant funding to cover food and part of our costs.…

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KPCC Community Benefit Society

Live on Kennington Park Estate? Live or work nearby? Come to events or activities in the Centre? Do you want to be more involved in our local community? Why not become a Member of the Community Benefit Society now running our Community Centre? A membership form can be found here – please complete and return to Kennington Park Community Centre, 8 Harleyford Street, SE11 5SY, or by email   to

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Northern Line Extension update

Our sites at Kennington, Nine Elms and Battersea remain in “safe-stop” mode, meaning site-work on the project has been suspended during this coronavirus lockdown phase. We do conduct regular inspections to check all areas are safe and we maintain 24/7 security at each site. Behind the scenes, we continue to work on processes such as design, assurance, off-site manufacture and planning to ensure we can resume site-work effectively once the go-ahead is given. Any resumption of work on our sites will be in accordance with Public Health England and Government guidelines. We will update you when we can on any progress in this area. All Community Liaison Group meetings have been suspended until further notice. Again, we will update you when we have more to report. Ferrovial Agroman Laing O’Rourke (FLO), our main contractor on the project, has kindly donated masks, overalls, gloves and respirators to the NHS to help…

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COVID-19 Coronavirus

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a massive and unprecedented danger to all our lives and livelihoods. STAY AT HOME AND SAVE LIVES! The situation and measures being taken are changing hourly and daily. Locally many volunteers have joined together in Mutual Aid groups to befriend and support those stuck at home with shopping, collecting prescription. You can contact the group covering Oval Ward and Kennington Park Estate through the Lambeth Mutual Aid Facebook page     Lambeth Council is working hard to help those who are most vulnerable and support local businesses, workers and residents. The Leader of the Council has written today (Lockdown Day 2) about some of the things they are doing “Today we are launching a helpline for vulnerable people to contact the council as part of our Community Hub which is the command centre for their protection and where food and medicine delivery,…

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