Central Hill

“This time it is the estates that replaced those Victorian streets that are being destroyed. It turns out that, if some of these estates are as bad as myth has it, others were thoughtfully and beautifully designed, whose problems, if any, are often due to their being poorly looked after by the local authorities who own them.” http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/jan/31/council-estates-if-they-arent-broken-lambeth-council-central-hill-estate-social-housing-affordable?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Central Hill is a housing estate in Upper Norwood (Lambeth Council) that has been getting growing coverage in the media, and from groups such as Architects for Social Housing.  The controversy surrounding the estate seems, at times, completely at odds to the apparent reality of the estate itself. https://architectsforsocialhousing.wordpress.com/2016/02/01/central-hill-community/ https://architectsforsocialhousing.wordpress.com/2016/02/01/in-defence-of-central-hill/        

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Fundamental problem with the term…

I have a fundamental problem with the term “sink estate”.  I think it is derogatory, unnecessary and undermining.  But people insist on still using it. Despite this flaw, I think this article is quite an interesting read: http://www.theguardian.com/housing-network/2016/feb/03/demolish-sink-estates-homes-david-cameron-bratislava?CMP=share_btn_tw

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Here we go again…

The Architects’ Journal is something I read every week, so it’s heartening to see some more opinion about the Governments’ plans: http://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/opinion/park-the-housing-bills-implications-are-devastating/10001344.fullarticle (link available to subscribers) A taster from the article: “Like others, we’re replacing housing that was built in the 80s – only 30 years ago. This housing hasn’t suddenly failed; it was never good enough. Small, inaccessible, not energy efficient and poorly built – many of these were ‘starter homes’ – a quick vote-winning fix with little regard for quality of life or longevity. Here we go again. “

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Architecture and the Estate

As some of you may know, I am an architect and my love of Kennington Park Estate is with both my fellow residents and the lovely architecture itself. The architecture profession is very slowly beginning to become more vocal about the issues facing housing estates, and the Housing Bill.  Here is one of my new favourite articles on the subject from around the web: http://www.architecturefoundation.org.uk/the-month-in-architecture-condemnation-for-the-housing-bill More to follow over the next few days…

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Visitors’ Parking Permits – Piloting a New Scheme

The Tenants Association has successfully negotiated a pilot scheme to test a new system of issuing visitors’ parking permits in the Alverstone/Lockwood/Blades courtyard. You will be able to buy up to five weeks’ worth of tickets (ie. 10) which you can use on any one day up until the end of 2016. This means you can have one handy for those unannounced visits by relatives or maintenance engineers, particularly at weekends. The pilot will run from 15 February to 15 April. Let us know if you think it’s working or if you want to suggest changes. Here is Hyde’s letter about it:   To All Residents Alverstone House, Blades House, Lockwood House Dear residents, Re:  Visitor Parking Permit Pilot for Alverstone, Blades and Lockwood House.  We are writing to inform you that we are working with the Kennington Park Estate Tenants and Residents Association to pilot a new scheme for visitor’s parking permits for Alverstone,…

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Hyde Plus Activities at Stockwell Centre

GETTING ONLINE FREE WORKSHOPS – Social Media for Beginners at the Stockwell Community Centre Looking to learn a new skill in the new year? We will shortly be running workshops in social media basics at the Stockwell Community Centre. Workshops will run from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. The following introductory courses will be delivered by our volunteer social media experts  Helen and Sergio; Tuesday 16th February – Introduction Tuesday 23rd February – Facebook for Beginners Tuesday 1st March – Twitter for Beginners Tuesday 8th March – LinkedIn for Beginners Part 1 Tuesday 15th – LinkedIn for Beginners Part 2 (Anyone interested in the LinkedIn workshops must be able to commit to attending both parts and should bring their CV along with them for the 1st workshop!) There will be light refreshments provided at the session, and those who attend 3 separate sessions will receive a Love2Shop voucher! In addition all attendees will receive a certificate. Residents can book a place…

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Housing & Planning Bill – demonstrate on 5 January

The Housing & Planning Bill gets its third reading at the beginning of January.   A protest lobby and meeting in Parliament on Tuesday 5 January is being organised by the ‘Kill the Housing Bill – Secure Homes for All’ campaign and will mark the next stage of the fight against the Housing Bill. Come to rally outside Parliament at Old Palace Yard SW1A 0AA from 2pm, joined by MPs and other speakers against the Government’s latest onslaught on truly affordable and secure homes. A protest meeting inside Parliament 5-7pm (allow 30 minutes to get in due to security checks) will hear tenants, trade unions, councillors and MPs explain the case against the Housing Bill and for investment in council housing and other secure and really-affordable homes. Last week, ministers managed to sneak in last minute amendments to the Bill to remove secure lifetime council tenancies. Invite and Lobby your Councillors…

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Local traffic and transport plans and work

We receive frequent updates on the various work being carried out around our Estate, particularly the Northern Line Extension and the highways work around the Oval. The latest bulletins are about work on the Northern Line Extension at Kennington Green closing down for the holiday season (sighs of relief from the neighbours!) and upgrade work that’s starting at Waterloo Station. They (and future such bulletins) can now be found here.

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