Save Durning Library!

Lambeth Council is consulting on which of Durning or Tate South Lambeth libraries should become a new Town Centre library for the north of the borough. This choice is being forced on the Council by the Government’s cuts to local authorities and is not a choice anyone wants to make. However, if Durning is supported, then TSL will become one of Lambeth’s proposed “bookish gyms”. If TSL is supported, then Durning will close. Most KPE residents use Durning as it is closer to us. The Consultation deadline is 11pm on 21 December. Complete the questionnaire here:  

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Berkeley Homes Consultation for the OAKDA Site

We would like everyone to come to the Community Centre on the 5th December 2015. Berkeley Homes are holding a consultation session for residents, regarding the redevelopment of the Tesco and Gas Holder site. It’s really important that we join together to tell Berkeley Homes what we want from their proposed masterplan, and ensure that the estate has a voice about the development. I received a leaflet through my door about this, and took a picture and attached to this post so that everyone can see! See you there!  

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Noise from roadworks week commencing 23.11.15

You may be one of the residents disturbed by late night roadworks that ran on into the early hours of the morning earlier this week. Myself and other residents on the estate complained to Lambeth Environmental Services and Highways Department: I don’t believe that residents were consulted or informed of these works in the correct manner, and will continue to pursue this with Lambeth Council and Transport for London. If you wish to make a complaint, please see a generic version of a letter below, for you to copy, edit and use as you wish, and send to the above address.       Dear Sir/Madam, I am a resident of the Kennington Park Estate. Roadworks began adjacent to my property on Sunday evening (22/11/15), and continued throughout the week. Lambeth Council has issued a Section 61 Notice under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 in respect of these works.  The…

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Housing & Planning Bill

Our meeting on 18 November held an interesting and wide-ranging discussion, led by our MP Kate Hoey and local councillor Jack Hopkins, on the implications for social housing residents of the Government’s Housing & Planning Bill, which is currently being discussed in Parliament.   An article by Cllr Matthew Bennett, Lambeth Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, which provides useful background to the Bill, was circulated at the meeting, and our Chair, Joan Twelves, has written a blog on the implications of the Pay to Stay part of the Bill. You can read them here:  

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Oval Gasholders masterplan consultation

Lambeth Council and Berkeley Homes are consulting on the draft masterplan for the Oval and Kennington Development Area (OAKDA), also known as the Gasholders site. Their website is at The draft masterplan proposals can be found here ( As well as the presentation evenings detailed on the leaflet below, a special consultation is being organised for residents of Kennington Park Estate in the Community Centre at 7pm on Thursday 12 November. ********************************** UPDATE: a further consultation meeting for KPE residents will be held on Saturday 5 December at 1 pm in the Community Centre. Tell your neighbours! Come along!  

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Kennington Green’s Tree of Heaven to be sacrificed for the NLE

From TFL :  Northern line extension   Activity Notification   November 2015     “Earlier this year we communicated that the Tree of Heaven (T4) on the north side of the Kennington Green worksite would require pruning due to the proximity of the construction works. Some initial pruning has been undertaken, however following further assessments by a tree specialist and London Borough of Lambeth tree officers we have been advised that pruning or lopping of branches will no longer be sufficient and it has now been decided that the tree will need to be removed. Unfortunately when a trenching and root survey exercise was conducted, it was found that the majority of the main roots have grown under Kennington Green. These roots need to be cut for the construction of piles, which could impact on the long term stability of the tree.  An on-going cycle of crown reduction would also…

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