Hyde’s proposed development of our Community Centre and Harleyford Road site – an update

Back in March 2015 we reported on Hyde’s plans to redevelop the Harleyford Street and Community Centre site on the Estate. Their plans involved nine flats for sale, a replacement community centre with outdoor space and either offices or a small retail space on the ground floor facing the main road. Those plans can be found here. Hyde’s Saba Choudhury (New Business Project Director, Group Business Development) wrote to the TA recently as follows: “Sainsbury’s has told us that TfL has given them feedback on their application for the Harleyford Street loading bay, but not a final decision.  The feedback is that TfL are very unlikely to allow a peak time use of the loading bay but will almost certainly allow off peak use of a bay on Harleyford Street which is a positive step forward.  Consequently Sainsbury’s are revising their application to request a loading bay for off peak…

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New buildings on the Estate?

Proposed development of Harleyford Road and Kennington Park Community Centre   The Hyde Group is proposing to replace our Community Centre and the office building at 8a Harleyford Street between Blades and Lockwood Houses with a five-storey block of 13 flats for sale, a small supermarket and a new, smaller Community Centre. Those residents who attended a consultation meeting in September, particularly those living nearest the site, did not welcome the plans. Amongst the concerns expressed was the overlarge size of the proposed development, the loss of daylight to neighbouring flats, the loss of the community centre’s outdoor space, the location of the retail unit’s delivery bay right next to people’s homes, traffic management both in respect of parking and an increased number of large delivery vehicles using the Estate’s narrow roads, and the fact that the proposed flats would solely be for sale rather than available to house local…

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Repairs? What do you think?

Hyde’s Repairs and Maintenance Service     Angry tenants at November’s TA meeting made their feelings clear about the poor repairs service and passed no confidence motions in Hyde Southbank Homes’ management of the repairs service and the Hyde Group’s customer service centre, as well as registering grave concern at the lack of a planned maintenance programme across the estate. Our representatives on the Southbank Residents Forum have recently received an update from Hyde which blames the problems with the repairs service on IT systems, tenants reporting too many repairs (like too much sewage coming up through our kitchen sinks?), and the former contractor’s workers. Sounds to us as though Hyde is using the same spin doctors as the Coalition Government! But decide for yourself. Here’s the letter from Hyde Southbank’s Resident Services Manager: “As you will of course be aware, 28th October signalled ‘Go Live’ for the new repairs…

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