Save Clapham Fire Station
SAVE CLAPHAM FIRE STATION – THURSDAY 16TH MAY @ 6:30PM – ASSEMBLE & MARCH FROM BRIXTON FIRE STATION TO THE CONSULTATION MEETING AT LAMBETH TOWN HALL Boris Johnson plans to close 12 London Fire Stations across London and Clapham is one of them. There will also be a cut of 18 fire engines and hundreds of fire fighters’ jobs. This is what Lambeth Council thinks of the proposals: According to the London Fire Brigade, the Mayor’s proposals will actually mean the average time it takes the first fire engine to reach an emergency will rise by 34 seconds. Closing Clapham fire station threatens to increase concerns about safety and could undermine the preventative work that fire fighters have done in the local community over many years. In January 2013 fire crews from Clapham were among the first on the scene following the fatal helicopter crash in Vauxhall. They were praised…